Over the weekend, Barack Obama joined the group of Senate lawmakers who insist that a timetable for withdrawal be included in a spending bill for the war in Iraq. The New York Times noted this quote from Obama: “No timetable, no funding. It is time to bring this to an end.”
Far more of a surprise, however, was Sen. Ken Salazar (R-Colo.), who hasn't exactly been a progressive champion on Iraq policy, stepping up with a similar assessment.
Salazar, a Colorado Democrat, previously has not supported Congress using its ability to stop war payments in order to force President Bush to change direction..."If it could be done then I think we ought to take a look at it," Salazar said. [...]
While in Iraq over the weekend, Salazar said, some service men and women told him that they wanted Congress to cut off funding.
Got that? For all the far-right rhetoric about "supporting the troops," Salazar said he's open to cutting off funding because troops encouraged him to do so.