This just makes me crazy. Want to know why collectively, Americans are dumbing down? Because we allow false information that supports the Fundies' agenda to go out absolutely unchallenged. This particular battle in Colorado started when several outlets ran an article where a "Right-To-Life" member throws out unbelievably false info (like teenage girls getting "hooked" on birth control). Thankfully, some residents wrote in to smack down the lies. The Fundies' response? Get the disinformation out on radio:
Discussing contraception issues with co-host Craig Silverman on their August 27 broadcast, 630 KHOW-AM co-host Dan Caplis echoed recent remarks by an anti-abortion activist when he asked, "Well, hey, hasn't everybody heard that birth control fails at an alarmingly high rate?" But neither he nor Silverman mentioned that according to federal health statistics, the three most popular forms of birth control -- oral contraceptives, sterilization, and condoms -- have efficacy rates of 99.9 to 79 percent.
It's absolutely infuriating. Have they not thought about the long term ramifications of making these claims? There are plenty of studies that show abstinence-only education does not curb sexual activity. Do they for one minute consider what will happen when there are all these unwanted babies born of their lies?