News Hounds: Hannity, Colmes, Coulter, (and the most ineffectual Democrat spokesman of all time) OR 'Maybe These Relentless Neopundit Attacks on Edwards Merit Giving Him a Second Look'
Via Andrew Sullivan, Matthew Dessem on The Ancient Art of Making Lists
I'm from Bristol, so I know from whence the Monkey speaks.
Dems: Why be so skittish at the mention of terror? H/T Sandy.
This is the very first review of David Lynch's 'Inland Empire' that bothers to focus on what the movie actually looks like. Thank you, Dennis Lym, for focusing.
Winding out the week...
For my money, there is no better MSM blog for tips on under-reported and/or context-free news than Dan Froomkin's White House Watch (even though Dan takes more time off than the president). His latest piece is The Lost Year.
I would be remiss if I didn't share this link to the Comic Curmudgeon, the site that I always reward myself with after a hard day of slaving over a hot keyboard. Today, Zippy spirals downward and The Shocker just stands there.
And of course, a shout out to my fellow Aristocrats - Sandy, Paul, and Blue Gal. (Oops, sorry ya bastidz, I just ran out of links).
Guest blogged by Mark Hoback of The Aristocrats.
UPDATE from Blue Gal: Mike his own self returns tomorrow, after the female Crooks and Liars staffers check him jealously for Joe Cocker groupie hickeys. We hear the "Hymn 4 My Soul" European Tour was amazing! (But we're glad to have you home, Mike honey.)