ROFLMAO= "Rolling on Floor Laughing My Ass Off"
Jane has some observations about Mark Williams.
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Hamsher: So let me do the dirty work and mention what the wonks won’t — this guy has a perfectly frozen forehead. Per. fect. ly. Watch the clip at Media Matters and look betwen his eyes and at his eyebrows. Absolutely immobile. No lift, no scrunch. Nobody of Williams’ age has that little movement without being shot to shit with Botox unless they’ve got some sort of neurological disorder. Watch him. He’s a preening, vain little trash talking popinjay and my guess is Matthews (or any other anchor) probably doesn’t want anyone delving too heavily into the subject of cosmetic enhancement on his show lest the floodgates open and everyone’s fair game.
You know?
Can we call him Botox Mark? Media Matters supplies the transcript and has video also:
WILLIAMS: I hope what we get is the truth from General Petraeus about every step forward on the ground being made by the military since we started this being ruined, and two steps backwards being taken on Capitol Hill, by the Democrats playing politics with this and plucking the pennies off the eyelids of the newly dead. Meanwhile, "Nancy Botox" is out there saying, you know, "We're leaving! We're running! We're gonna go away!"
MATTHEWS: This doesn't help me any.
MATTHEWS: You know, Mark, that doesn't help me any.
MSNBC needs to answer a simple question. Why is he on your network? Media criticism has aways been a big part of C&L....And you wonder why I've written about him for a few days...