August 18, 2007

cnn-gods-warriors.jpg CNN's Christiane Amanpour has produced a new series of documentaries titled "God's Warriors" which "examines the intersection between religion and politics and the effects of Christianity, Islam and Judaism on politics, culture and public life." In this preview, Amanpour talks with the late Rev. Jerry Falwell shortly before his passing, about his fight against abortion and confronts him on his disgusting claim that 9/11 was caused by America's tolerance of homosexuals. It also looks at other christian zealots who have bombed abortion clinics and murder doctors who perform them in the name of religion.

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Christiane will be taking questions regarding the series, you can submit your questions and find out more here. The documentaries are set to air beginning Tuesday, August 21 through Thursday, August 23, at 9 p.m. ET.

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