The new chairman of the DLC said he doesn't know who's been right about the Iraq war. No, I'm not kidding. And he wonders why most of the presidential candidates stopped at YKos and left the DLC conference blowing in the wind. He was there to talk about Obama's foreign policy ideas and answered this way on Hannity and Colmes last night
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Colmes: Barack Obama had a great point when he said those who voted for the war in Iraq and then had to apologize for that vote should probably be the last people to criticize he---who was right about the war in Iraq all along.
Ford: I don't know who's been right about this war all along...
Colmes: Sure you do...
Ford: That's open for dispute.
Colmes: You don't know who's been right about the war all along?
Ford: One thing is clear. What we're doing now is not working.
Does he think it's an open debate? Attacking a country that didn't...never-mind....It seems he's trying to shift the focus of the war debate in a weird way, don't you? This is pathetic and if anyone followed the Senate race, you'd know that Ford is as much a centrist as James Dobson is. The Blue Dogs have betrayed the American people since the Democrats took back Congress in November. His campaign reached as far right as it could go and he still lost to Corker in Tennessee in a close race. He got more media exposure than most in the '06 election because of the smear job they pulled on him. I emailed the DLC and asked them to clarify his remarks...I'll have a second clip later where he criticizes YKos also...