August 5, 2007

Perhaps smarting from how bad they came across in the Max Blumenthal videos of CPAC and the Young Republicans convention (and even they are minimally self-aware enough to have figured out that they looked really, really bad), there were some conservatives looking to make the netroots look equally hack-y at the YearlyKos convention.

So predictably, Malkin, Drudge and the NRO (I won't link to them because they deserve your scorn, not your hits) trumpeted that a soldier was censored by Kossacks trying to speak in defense of the military. Because, you know, liberals don't support the troops like the right does. (/snark) Such a tired and vastly unsubstantiated meme. Here's the exchange in question:

So technically, what the right wingers said is what happened.  However, here is where they are fundamentally dishonest (*gasp!* Malkin, Drudge and PajamasMedia, dishonest?  Shocking, I know): the sergeant in question was told repeatedly that he would be in violation of the UCMJ if he made any kind of political speech in uniform.  You can't hear it from the video here, but according to witnesses, the sergeant ADMITTED HE KNEW HE WAS BREAKING THE RULES:

Soltz, who is still a Captain in the Reserves, at that point had heard all he wanted to hear.  As an officer, he took it upon himself to reprimand the sergeant for breaking the Uniform Code of Military Justice, left the stage, and went to confront the soldier.  In fact, if he hadn't reprimanded the soldier, he could have been seen as condoning the act-and none of us wanted to do that. [..]

The bottom line is this: The sergeant in uniform was completely out of line as far as the military is concerned.  The fact that he did what he did reflected on the entire Army and I think that's what upset Jon the most.

In the Pajamas Media video of the scene, even the sergeant readily admits that he was breaking the rules.  And that's not what the Army is about.  So this wasn't about stifling dissent.  It was about an intruder who had no respect for the Kossacks who'd paid to attend, as well as no desire maintain military bearing while in uniform.

The whole account is here.  So for the right-wingers who want to crow about this...let it be known what really happened.

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