August 4, 2007

sundaybrunch.jpg I think this morning, I'm going to forget the coffee and let's go straight to the mimosas and Bloody Marys.  This has been a tough week, and by the looks of things, the Sunday morning bobble heads aren't going to make me feel any better.  Courtesy of Penndit, here is the line-up for this morning:

* MTP: Def. Sec. Robert Gates on Iraq; Carl Bernstein, CBN's David Brody and ChiTrib's David Mendell on "What does it take to be an effective president?"

* FTN: SoS Condi Rice on Iraq & Middle East; Rep. Rahm Emanuel (D-IL) on Congress & politics

* This Week: GOP debate in IA

* FNS: SoS Condi Rice; Michael Michael O'Hanlon & Ken Pollack; WaPo's Robin Givhan

* Late Edition: Def. Sec. Robert Gates; ex-Pakistan PM Benazir Bhutto; Afghanistan Pres Hamid Karzai; Sen. Carl Levin (D-MI); CNN roundtable of Joe Johns, Suzanne Malveaux, and Lisa Goddard.

So let's recap: two Democrats in the bunch (and that's being generous with Rahm Emanuel); war-mongering cheerleaders O'Hanlon and Pollack, and the White House sends out Robert Gates and Condi Rice to make the rounds to convince us that really, everything is going just fine.  The talking point on what makes an effective president with Timmeh (I wear my I (heart) Bush button under my lapel) Russert will of course not touch on any of the spectacular failures of this administration.  In fact, I'll bet my mimosa that Bill Clinton will figure into the conversation before Bush will.

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