I posted a video of Rep.Nancy Boyda (D-KS) last week, relating her infuriating encounter with a right wing talk show host in her home state, and apparently she's catching hell from the right for standing her ground. In her statements last week Boyda criticized General Jack Keane for his overly optimistic view of this situation in Iraq:
"But let me just first say that the description of Iraq as if some way or another that it’s a place that I might take the family for a vacation, things are going so well, those kinds of comments will in fact show up in the media and further divide this country instead of saying here’s the reality of the problem and people, we have to come together and deal with the reality of this issue."
Keane, who claimed that it is offensive to say that our military is broken had this to say about the surge in an interview with the NRO:
General Jack Keane: Well I think it's going better than we had expected, particularly as it pertains to the security operation. [...] Because all the schools are open. The markets are teaming with people. Some operating at full capacity; some not quite there because of the level of violence in their neighborhood and some of the construction that was being done, but nonetheless a steady improvement. Government services are being administrated in the neighborhoods and again some of that is uneven because of the nature of the government of itself, but nonetheless there is an attempt to provide essential services to the population where in '06 there were none.
And so those atmospherics are real, and I have spoken to hundreds of Iraqis in those neighborhoods and almost to a person they believe the security situation is improving. They want Americans to stay with the Iraqis to help protect them, and in the neighborhoods where the violence took place in '06. They almost tremble at the thought of that '06 violence. You can hear it in their voices when they talk about what that meant to them and their children.