The reason I'm revisiting the Mackris story is to show the hypocrisy of O'Reilly in all its glory. The worst that he could find on Kos was a lame graphic to smear him with...He's a bully---plain and simple...
I heard Andrea got over 6 million dollars from FOX. She did plunk down 809,500 bucks for a condo three weeks after the settlement so you know she had to have tapes of his harassing her...
O'Reilly: I have something very important to tell you. All litigation has ceased that has made me the object of media scorn from coast to coast. On a personal note, this matter has caused enormous pain, but I had to protect my family and I did....This brutal ordeal is now over and I will never speak of it again...
BillO sexually harasses, threatens and then goes public to scare her---and he tries to play the victim. This little speech was really as lame as it gets for Bill...He'll never talk about because of the obvious fact that he's....G-U-I-L-T-Y...
Digby goes into "Bill's "Murder Mystery...."
And as Digby picked up on, since he said that he'll never talk about the case again, what can he say about his confrontation with Mike Stark? How can he even bring it up on his show? Will he so easily break his vow of silence? Inquiring minds want to know...
The General has erected a tomb to the unknown legal settlement in Billo's honor.