Via The Gavel:
Rep. Nancy Boyda (KS-02), whose state saw the effects of the strain on the National Guard during the tornadoes in May, speaks in favor of legislation requiring a waiver from President Bush to send troops back without a 1:2 deployment ratio for the active duty and a 1:5 ratio for most of the reserve component. She is responding in part to General Jack Keane, who testified before the Committee but left before Rep. Boyda’s remarks, and was reportedly one of the architects of the escalation policy.
“And finally, I would just like to share a story. When I was speaking back at home with one of a very right wing conservative talk show hosts and after, thank God, after we were off the air, I said something that I assumed he would agree with and I just said ‘you know, I’m really worried about these guys and gals, but mainly guys, that have gone, that they’ve been redeployed now three and four times’ — he came back to me and said ‘you know what, they should have thought about that before they enlisted, before they signed up.’ He said ‘it’s their fault.’ And I was so upset, I looked at him and I said with all due restraint, and I said no respect, it’s not with all due respect because quite honestly, I have no respect for that opinion, with all due restraint, and I got myself calmed down and left the room... Read more...
Well done, Rep. Boyda. Put the mouthbreathers in their place and never back down. Boyda didn't mention the name of the troop loving talk show host, but it's refreshing to see a Democrat stand up and bring some reality to morons like that and especially in a place like Kansas that needs it so desperately...(h/t Atrios)