July 27, 2007

(Guest Blogged by Howie Klein)

Let's see... what musicians weren't influenced by Elmore James? Hmmm... Paris Hilton, Rihanna, Nickelback, Mandy Moore... Oh, and Robert Johnson. Johnson was Elmore's inspiration-- and friend and he taught him a great deal, including his signature song, "Dust My Broom." I was just a kid when Elmore James died (in 1963) but his music had a direct influence on the bands I listened to all through college: the Rolling Stones, Jimi Hendrix, Eric Clapton, Fleetwood Mac, the Allman Brothers, Zappa, the Beatles, the Dead...

The "Sky Is Crying" is one of Elmore James' best known songs, mostly because it was covered by George Thorogood, Albert King and Stevie Ray Vaughan. Here's the original 1960 version:

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