I took pen in hand and, fully caffeinated, was all ready to write something profound and challenging, but I'd filled up the very last page in my Journ
July 23, 2007

I took pen in hand and, fully caffeinated, was all ready to write something profound and challenging, but I'd filled up the very last page in my Journal with affirming thoughts about the happy, happy day when Ann Althouse actually returns my calls, dammit, even though I wrote really small, and my downstairs copy of The Purpose Driven Life came right to hand, so I took it down and opened it (nice big print).... And thought up some truly merveilleux snark, but the margins were too narrow to contain it. So I didn't actually write anything down. Maybe tomorrow.

I wish I'd said this, but Happy Jihad's House of Pancakes got there first:

[In Mother Knight, Vonnegut has] a beautiful image about how the fascist mind works even in the face of insurmountable logical contradictions. It's like the gears of a cuckoo clock with a couple of teeth filed away on purpose. The clock simply skips that tooth and the gear slips effortlessly into the next groove.

And I wish I'd said this: "When your team is the biggest loser in a generation... It's the little things that make you happy."

These: 1) "Reason 101 why Kirk is better than Picard:"; 2) "Managed to freecycle a wicker kitty bed, the hanging gun rack we had no more room for (and was too small for our collection anyways) and my old 3 person dome tent."; and 3) "To my surprise, the entire issue was devoted to primate foraging strategies."

Or this helpful suggestion to round out botulism-merchandiser Wal-Mart's new line of Christianist toys:

Lot's Wife Salt Doll: Fun to play with...and to lick! Pull the string on her back and Boston's "Don't Look Back" plays.

Or this:  "So, for the record, 'spanking guru James Dobson' will now be referred to here as 'wife-beating apologist James Dobson'." Oh heck, this too: "I don't understand this sign Mitt Romney is waving. MOMA isn't in Chelsea, it's in Midtown, so ... What? Oh."

And finally this:  "Shows what you can do if you do not give in to bitterness."

Guest Bloggerativity: Visit The Department of No! They Would Never Do That! in The Mighty Corrente Building, but be sure to bring your own foil and bucket.-Lambert

Comment at the link above, or send answers, tips, bouquets, brickbats to lambert_strether1 AT yahoo DOT com.

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