As E&P reports, "In a letter to the editor published [yesterday] by The New York Times, Sen. Christopher ("Kit") Bond of Missouri, an influential Republican, declares that the administration until recently had the "wrong plan" for Iraq for three years. Unfortunately, he did not tell anyone about his concerns until today. Bond's letter, meant to praise the current 'surge' effort, raised the question of how often he had spoken out against the 'wrong plan' since 2003."
Glenn Greenwald offers the answer: Bond hadn't spoken out at all.
So, according to Bond, we (by the way) had the "wrong plan" for the last three years as we waged war in Iraq. That's all -- we just spent the last three years waging war with the "wrong plan." But no worries, because now -- Bond assures us -- we have the right plan.
That being the case, one would expect that Kit Bond spent the last three years protesting our war strategy, lamenting our lack of progress, and demanding that we change course. Needless to say, he did exactly the opposite. While he now claims that the last three years were a failure because we had the wrong strategy, Bond -- like the vast, vast majority of the Republican Party and war supporters generally -- spent the last three years telling Americans that we had the right strategy and were winning in Iraq, while attacking and demonizing those who suggested otherwise.