July 15, 2007

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Bill O'Reilly sent his rinky-dink camera crew over to assault the CEO of JetBlue because they sponsored YearlyKos. It's another embarrassing effort by O'Reilly to smear people who he feels threatened by and a larger response by FOX News itself for being finally seen as an arm of the GOP. You'll never see O'Reilly standing up in front of a camera like that for the stuff that he's said. I think we'd have a few questions to ask BillO. I wonder if any of those lesbian gangs are looking for you? The gal from BusinessWeek understands about open forums...

FOX and the right has been shaken at its core because of the growth of the netroots and the American people that have finally caught on to the policies they promote. They were so angry at the role the netroots played in discouraging the Dems from participating in their debate that they'll stop at nothing--not even making up ridiculously out of context stories--to discredit those who tell the truth. This is another cowardly act by a man who was forced to settle a sexual harassment suit for millions of dollars to Andrea Mackris and then attacked an abducted and raped eleven year old named Shawn Hornbeck (which got him canceled from speaking at a missing kids dinner). Hmmmm...I wonder what Bill's sponsors think of the things he says.

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