CNN's Michael Ware responded to Lieberman's neocon delusions to Anderson Cooper about the insurgents suddenly being "on the run." CNN still labels Joe as a (D)
SEN. JOSEPH LIEBERMAN (D), CONNECTICUT: The war is not lost in Iraq. In fact, now American Iraqi security forces are winning. The enemy is on the run in Iraq. But, here in -- in Congress, in Washington, we seem to be, or some -- some members seem to be on the run, chased, I fear, by public opinion polls.
COOPER: Is the enemy on the run in Iraq, Michael?
WARE: No, certainly not. And I think we need to be aware that it's enemies. I mean, America doesn't face just one opponent in this country, but a whole multitude, many of whom are becoming stronger, the longer the U.S. occupation here, or presence here, in Iraq continues. So, unfortunately, I'm afraid that Senator Lieberman has taken an excursion into fantasy.
CTBlogger grabs the video of Joe trying to deny that he suggested the US should bomb Iran with Blitzer.