July 8, 2007

mmoore.jpg Michael Moore went off on Wolfie and CNN for a hit piece they aired about "Sicko" right before he came on. He was hot! He slapped the beard around pretty good...He says he'll post the facts refuting their claims on his website tonight. He then attacked CNN and Blitzer for not doing their job in the run up to the war (where were you when it mattered?) and said that everything he said about the Iraq war did come to pass. He wondered why it took him so many years to get Cheney on teevee? He asked when America will get sick and tired of the "crap" they show...

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Moore: Why don't you tell the truth to the American people? I mean I wish that CNN and th eother mainstream media would just for once tell the truth....You fudged the facts about this issue----about the war and I'm just curious. When are you going to aplogize to the American people for not bringing the truth to them that isn't sponsored by some major corporation?

Wolfie didn't know what to say for a while and tried to ask him some questions about Sicko, but even the most basic elements of the film he got wrong. Moore did not attack Hillary in the movie. He praised her efforts to try to change health care for the country in Sicko, but was stopped cold in her tracks as you already know. He did point out that she was getting a lot of campaign contributions from the industry...The transcript isn't posted yet on CNN...so have at it...I'll update the post as I go...

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