Check out this idiotic cross examination of Melanie Sloan (she's representing the Wilsons in a suit against Cheney) by Chris Matthews. He's usually interested in Hillary's underwear, but this time he's trying to equate Clinton's pardons to the Bush/Libby fiasco.
Sloan came on to talk about the commutation, but Chris launches an attack on her that has no relevance on Libby's situation. What difference does it make what feelings Sloan had over the Clinton impeachment, Chris? None. He was really nasty to her for no reason. If I was Melanie, I would have pulled a Cheney on him. (take your pick)
(h/t Digby) If Matthews wants to go back in time, then he might look at Bush's dad and his pardon of Defense Secretary Caspar W. Weinberger who was linked to him and the Iran-Contra scandal:
Mr. Weinberger was scheduled to stand trial on Jan. 5 on charges that he lied to Congress about his knowledge of the arms sales to Iran and efforts by other countries to help underwrite the Nicaraguan rebels, a case that was expected to focus on Mr. Weinberger's private notes that contain references to Mr. Bush's endorsement of the secret shipments to Iran.