Sen. Lugar wants to do something before Gen. Patreus reports back in September because he feels the surge will not help the Iraqi politicians get their deals struck for years to come. In essence it's a big waste of time. And then he gets honest about the Iraq government. Oh, and he makes Lieberman out to be the fool that he is... a matter of fact they hate each other on most occasions...
That's just wonderful, but many people understood this before Bush/Cheney attacked Iraq. Chalabi and the INC received over 33 million dollars to supply President Cheney with discredited sources to push for war as Moyers unveiled. What about the Kurds and the Turks? And the oil money is still being stolen...In the second segment, (I didn't post the video) he does suffer from a symptom I'll call "Bush optimism." He thinks Bush/Cheney will listen to him and others to come to some sort of agreement and start changing course before September. Hahahaha....He loses me there...