Just about two months ago, Fred Thompson appeared on Fox's Hannity & Colmes and pontificated openly in that sweet Southern twang--you know the one that makes Republicans instantly vibrate--about making changes in his "contractual" relationships because of his candidacy. The Domed One said, "obviously, there's some practical things, some contractual things that I'm doing."
Well, it's looking like those "contractual things" are as important to him as the sanctity of marriage. At least with first wives who aren't still granted nap-time after show-and-tell is finished.
Of particular interest currently, is that Thompson not only maintains a constant presence on ABC Radio delivering opinion and analysis, but also provides daily podcasts for the ABC Radio website along with his own goofy version of a blog. He is doing this, mind you, after already having declared his intention to run for President numerous times... read on...
By Nicole Belle
— June 24, 2007