Anything They Say - how to blow up hearts and minds in Afghanistan.
And here's a clue for the clueless on another way the Bush administration has thrown away America's goodwill around the world - Gitmo.
The latest good news from Iraq - the most efficient government service in Iraq is bomb clean-up.
Experts admit it without saying so outright - Shinseki was right all along.
It's OK if U.S. soldiers die as long as Bush doesn't look bad. But does Godwin's Law still apply if the right are being so blatant about taking tips from the Nazis?
If the current U.S. force in Iraq can't deter a larger regional conflict who the hell is dumb enough to believe a residual force could?
Another set of Los Alamos nuclear secrets goes AWOL and almost no-one notices.
Guest round up by Cernig @ The Newshoggers (newshog AT gmail DOT com).