June 15, 2007

CNN-Cafferty-Nightmare Never at a loss for words, Jack Cafferty had a thing or two to say to President Bush on Friday's "Situation Room." Cafferty lays into Bush regarding his Middle East policy, and more to the point, the recent violence in the Gaza Strip and the state of democracy in the region.

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Cafferty:"When there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, President Bush immediately seized on the idea of bringing freedom and democracy. How's that workin' out for you, Mr. President? The United States also pressured the Palestinians to hold elections.They elected Hamas, a terrorist organization. How's that workin' out for you, Mr. President? Hamas has now seized Gaza. The Abbas government has been dismantled and Hamas militants have been on a rampage, pillaging government institutions. It's very unlikely they'll be dipping their fingers in ink wells there, any time soon."

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