John brought you this story yesterday, and on Wednesday's "Radio Factor", Bill O'Reilly continued to make excuses for why Fox News doesn't properly cover the ongoing occupation of Iraq. On Wednesday night's "Countdown", Allison Stewart tears into BillO's excuses with retired Army Col. Jack Jacobs. BillO contends Fox doesn't do more reporting on Iraq because their reporters aren't capable of covering everything that goes on there and the only reason CNN and MSNBC devote so much airtime to Iraq is because they want to make President Bush look bad.
We know Fox News doesn't like to bother its audience's beautiful minds with the one bombing a day, but contrary to your beliefs, BillO, the violence in Iraq DOES matter. It matters to Americans, it matters to the world and it's especially meaningful to the thousands of families who have had to bury their loved ones who have been killed there.
How about devoting some time to the troops' lack of armor, health care---extended tours?