June 11, 2007

I've been chided that our Music Club has been a little skimpy in some genres. I asked C&Ler Gregory to suggest something that might be a little different from what we normally offer and he suggested The Tossers.

Good Mornin' Da from The Valley of The Shadow of Death

Raised on the South Side of Chicago which is known for its huge Irish Catholic community, The Tossers emerged in the early 90s with their own brew of Celtic music fueled by a love of traditional folk songs and punk rock fury. They named themselves a pejorative term that some trace back to Shakespeare; depending on who you ask, it means commode, drunk, or the currency of Britain rejected when the Irish established their independence in the 1920s. After twelve years and four albums, The Tossers are back with their follow up to The Valley of the Shadow of Death, called Agony. It is a collection of songs that run the gamut, from slow to fast, sweet to angry and back again.

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