A lot of us have been asking Harry Reid to pull Holy Joe's power away from him for a while now. His views on the Iraq war are not based in reality (even the troops won't tell him the truth) and as Howard Fineman said:
"...I frankly think Lieberman knows that were he to switch parties, he would lose all of the allure and the clout that he now has. His clout depends on being a renegade in his own party, not the newest pledge in the Republican fraternity"
His latest rant about Iran is further proof that Reid needs to deal with him already---once and for all. (I can at least hope, can't I?.) Jane Hamsher makes the point that: "Time to make a public example and say “enough” to being held hostage by Dick Cheney’s pet warmonger. Cut. Him. Loose."
Harry Reid responded to Lieberman's Iran remarks today and said:
“I know Joe feels strongly about that part of the world. I do too,” said Reid, rejecting Lieberman’s calls for ratcheting up tensions. “I believe our efforts should be diplomatic in nature,” ---“The invasion of [Iran] is only going to destabilize that part of the world more,” Reid charged. “I know Joe means well, but I don’t agree with him.”
Joe just voted no, on the no confidence vote on Gonzo....more coming....