No, I don't mean a makeover to Harriet's perky coif and sensible Republican suits.
Back in 2005, when Harriet Miers was humiliated and forced to withdraw her nomination to the Supreme Court, the Republican Party's right-wing base was largely responsible. Having torpedoed their own president's nominee for being insufficiently zealous regarding their social and legal agenda, the Right forced President Bush to send them someone whose ideological commitment could not be doubted, which he did by nominating Samuel Alito.
Now, heading into 2008, the Right is facing what some of them see as an even more ominous threat: the prospect that Rudy Giuliani could win the GOP presidential nomination. And just as they did with Miers, right-wing activists - especially anti-choice Catholic ones - are gearing up to launch an all-out attack in an effort to deny Giuliani the on...
You know, I just love circular firing squads on the Republican side.