May 26, 2007

cmatthews.jpg Chris Matthews just can't get enough of Bill & Hillary. He dedicated most of his Saturday Show to the new books that the Washington Post put up on their front page. Somerby will have a field day with this one if he does post about it. Josephine Hearn downplays Tweety's obsession and says the best that Carl Bernstein could come up with after eight years was that she's controlling. That didn't stop his lust for Hillary...When Gloria Borger referenced the Godfather movie, Chris dug deep into the screenplay by labeling Hillary Clinton as having: "Luca Brasi behavior." OMG. Did she send out packages of dead fishes?

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Howard Fineman (Newsweek's Chief Political Correspondent) says that Hillary can still win the WH even with these books trying to bring back the 80's & 90's. Matthews wouldn't let anything stop his one track mind and when Borger tried to remind Chris about how bad the Republican values candidates are----Oppps---(she had the audacity to bring up Rudy Giuliani's marital problems)---Chris immediately cut her off by saying that nobody is perfect in this business. Huh? WTF?

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