You never know which direction Chris Matthews is headed on any given day, but today he slammed Rep. Jack Kingston's phony war propaganda comparisons after Chris asked him how long we'll have troops in Iraq. (h/t mcjoan who has more)
Download (rough transcript. Can someone fill it in?)
Matthews: Will the people of Georgia support ten more years of American involvement, military involvement in Iraq?
Kingston: Well, people know we're still in Germany and in South Korea...
Matthews: Yea, no no no no. I won't let you get away with that. That's not a fair comparison. We do not have a war in South Korea. There's no German that's fired on an American since 1945. That's not a fair comparison...That is not an acceptable argument! These comparisons to previous's lazy thinking, Congressman. It's the kind of propaganda that does not help this country understand the situation. You stepped into a dishonest comparison. Some people come on this show over and over again saying things that-JUST-aren't-true.
A common right wing talking point is that the US still has troops in South Korea and Germany---so what's the big deal with a huge military presence in Iraq--even if it's forevah? Now if we can get Matthews to break through and call more people out on this then he'll be onto something. It's one thing to call out Kingston, but another to call out Giuliani or McCain. And frankly, any Democratic nominee as well.