Healing Iraq: The overall estimate for the number of Iraqis who had fled Iraq has been put at two million. The number of displaced Iraqis still inside Iraq’s borders was given as 1.9 million. This means about 15 percent of Iraqis have left their homes.
Liberty Street: Do warfloggers support the troops, or the war?
Crooked Timber: A pro blogger shows us how it's done, and a journamalist demonstrates the proper use of Pavlovian dinner-bell talking points.
The Huffington Post: The Bush administration is working to weaken the G8 joint declaration on climate change
Economist's View: Did the tax cuts in 2001 and 2003 stimulate economic growth? That question was put to a large group of mainstream economists through an informal survey.
Pandagon: It's instructive that even mainstream Republican politicians indulge in blatant disdain for an institution that defends the most fundamental principles of our democracy. The facade that Republicans care about individual liberty crumbled when Bush Sr. used the term “card-carrying member of the ACLU” as an insult.