(Photo via nospuds.)
Rejoice! It's a Sunday Talking Head line-up that is Condi and Cheney-free.
It is quite the mixed line-up this morning, isn't it? ABC starts with John Edwards and then goes to Tom Tancredo — talk about a shift in perspectives, from caring for the poor and uplifting those in need of a hand to Crazy Tom. Yikes. Fox News Sunday has the head of the Southern Baptist Convention's Ethics and Religious Liberty Convention — think they'll ask him what the penalty ought to be for lying to Congress, perpetrating a fraud on the American public, dissembling on the road to a war of choice, and perverting our judicial system ought to be? Yeah, me neither.
Meet the Press continues the George Tenet buy my book travelling show. Dear Tim, please ask why Tenet felt that holding onto this information for four long years was acceptable — and how he thinks that fact ought to sit with family and friends of our soldiers stationed in Iraq and elsewhere, for starters. For my money, though, the most intriguing discussion possibilities are on CNN's Late Edition — because both Lugar and Schumer have been around the DC block long enough to know a fraud being perpetrated when they see it — and both have been outspoken critics of the Administration's lying smarm and medicine show. After all the revelations about Sampson having a notebook full of White House e-mails that likely have yet to see the light of Congressional sunshine, I'm hoping for a heaping helping of disgust, indignation and righteous fury — and that's just from Lugar, who appears to have had just about enough of the Bush Administration dragging his party into the smarmiest reaches of the gutter.
Here's hoping, anyway. What's catching your eye in the news and on the blogs this morning?