8:00pm EST on MSNBC. Go here and vote for the questions you want to see asked, and let us know if there are any memorable moments.
Remember, these are the C&L-submitted questions:
Should the President have power to imprison U.S. citizens without charging them with a crime and without providing them a judicial forum in which they can contest the accusations against them, as the Bush administration did to American Jose Padilla?
Do you think the process of waterboarding -- where the U.S. takes prisoners, straps them to a chair, and pours water on their face so they are in terror of drowning to death -- is a practice consistent with America's moral credibility in the world?
A recent worldwide poll showed that under the Bush presidency, America has become the third most unpopular country in the world -- right behind Iran and just ahead of North Korea. Why do you believe that has happened?
UPDATE: This link brings you to the page where you can find how to "Choose the questions for the interactive round."
For fun, you can play "Conservative Failure Buzzword Bingo"