Majikthise: Our government is being run by jive-ass bullies so afraid of truth they won't let a respected scientist into the country
Tortdeform: How the “tough on crime” Republicans decided it would be a good idea to make it impossible for local police departments and city governments to find out where the criminals in their communities are getting illegal guns.
The Aristocrats: "At the end of the day I know I did not do anything improper." That's right. All of the crimes occurred during regular working hours. (h/t Mike Dugan)
First Draft: Your President Speaks! His utter witlessness is still a shock...
Brilliant at Breakfast: It hardly takes a leap of faith to figure that pet food manufacturers are buying cheap grain proteins from China which are cheap largely because they are adulterated with toxic chemicals.
OFF THE BEATEN PATH: Libs Earth Watch, Hoffmania!, Jesus Was Not a Republican, Mad Kane