For crying out loud, are war supporters still making the case for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq? Forget shame, don’t these guys want to shy away from utter humiliation? Apparently not.
Redstate ran an item yesterday, highlighting an article from the far-right Washington Times, which noted that U.S. troops found “31 barrels of nitric acid Saturday in the walled-off front yard of a house that had been raided less than two weeks earlier.” RS labeled the nitric acid a chemical weapon and talked up the implications of all of this with considerable excitement.
So, the bad guys are making chemical weapons in Iraq…chemical weapons are classified by the UN as WMDs…so there are WMDs in Iraq…wait. That can’t be right. The reality-based community said they weren’t.
Ditto al-Qaeda in Iraq - they definitely aren’t there. Wait…
It’s hard to believe that as the war in Iraq starts its fifth year, war supporters remain completely convinced that long-settled disputes about WMD and al Qaeda are not only still open to debate, but that well-established truths are all wrong.
For what it's worth, Noah Shachtman sets the record straight.