It's so typical for this administration. Ignore problems at Walter Reed for years that were caused by your own negligence and incompetence until you're caught. Then pay lip service to wanting to fix the problems. Worse yet, use your callousness to justify furthering a philosophy that will only enrich your cronies, not make things better. I heard VAWatchdog's Larry Scott discuss this on the Thom Hartmann Show yesterday. Anybody want to make a bet that the report will recommend the privatization of services at Walter Reed?
We have a problem.
The Dole / Shalala Commission is set to have their first meeting on April 13. Their report is due by the end of June.
This gives them a little over two months to analyze the problems in the military and VA healthcare systems and come up with solutions for their report.
Can that be done? No!
There's a nasty buzz making its way around Capitol Hill that the report was "written" long ago...and the "writers" have just been waiting for the right place and time to forward their agenda.
Story here...