Mia Culpa caught this little gem at MSNBC.com: (R)ight now on MSNBC, this is what a paragraph states in the article on the Senate backing the March &#
March 27, 2007

Mia Culpa caught this little gem at MSNBC.com:

(R)ight now on MSNBC, this is what a paragraph states in the article on the Senate backing the March '08 deadline for withdrawal of troops from Iraq:

"The effect of the timeline would be to "snatch defeat from the jaws of progress in Iraq," agreed Lieberman, who won a new term last fall in a three-way race after losing the Democratic nomination to an anti-war insurgent."

Lieberman's continual hackery and slavish devotion to neo-con ideals, reality be damned aside, can I just say anti-war INSURGENT???? I'll take "Loaded Terminology" for $1000, Alex. So Ned Lamont (with his netroots support) should be viewed as an insurgent? Nice of the traditional media to finally (albeit tacitly) admit to what we've been saying for some time now: there is a war going on here at home too. The war between the truth of how everyone outside the Beltway perceives this country and her actions and those inside the Beltway desperately trying to hang on to the status quo.

Screen capture of the article (in case they scrub it) below the fold:


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