March 25, 2007

Can you say "grasping at straws"?

WTVM-9 (Columbus, GA):

Democrats cheered Vice President Al Gore's return to Capitol Hill to testify on global warming. Georgia 3rd District Republican Lynn Westmoreland didn't.

As Gore visited with former colleagues on the House floor around lunchtime Wednesday, Represenative Westmoreland argued that the Democrat was violating recently enacted ethics rules rescinding floor privileges for former congressmen working as agents of a foreign government.

Because Gore serves as an adviser to Britain on climate change, Westmoreland said, he shouldn't have been allowed. The third-term lawmaker, who represents northern Columbus & Harris County said it was "in total violation of the House rules." He said Democrats don't even pay attention to their own rules.

Democrats called Westmoreland's interpretation absurd. They said Gore works with Britain in an informal, unpaid role and is not a registered foreign agent with the Justice Department. [..] (A) spokesman for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, said Westmoreland's complaint -- quote -- "shows just how ridiculous some Republicans in Congress have become."

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