Mercury Rising: The leader of the Justice Department team that prosecuted a landmark lawsuit against tobacco companies said yesterday that Bush administration political appointees repeatedly ordered her to take steps that weakened the government's racketeering case. Robert Reich asks a very good question...
Truthdig: Two Who Got It Right: Scott Ritter in conversation with Robert Scheer
Danger Room: A blogger shares his frustrating experiences attempting to gather information using Freedom Of Information Act, which is supposed to ensure public access to U.S. government records.
No More Mister Nice Blog: The "Hillary 1984" video isn't the first time Phil De Vellis has attacked a fellow Democrat.
essays & effluvia: Rageh Omaar embarks on a unique journey inside what he describes as one of the most misunderstood countries in the world, looking at the country through the eyes of people rarely heard - ordinary Iranians.
OFF THE BEATEN PATH: New Pairodimes...Tom Flannery...Soup Kitchen...Open All Night