Ed Henry did a good job of confronting Tony Snow today at the gaggle. He asks him about the 18 day gap in the emails, or a trail so to speak and Snow says: "Why don't you ask them." Snow was really uncomfortable today...
Henry has his own analysis as well....He makes the point that the gaggle is transcribed by someone so there are no mistakes ---Tony's argument against a transcription of testimony is ridiculous...Your thoughts?
Land Hudson writes: "CNN's Ed Henry hit the nail on the head: if no conversations occurred with the President, and no advice was given, then how can the White House assert executive privilege, claiming the need to shield Presidential advice. Tony Snow's response: "That's an intriguing question." ...read on
AmericaBlog via The Chicago Trib...an article Tony Snow wrote..."Snow swallows own old words"
"Mr. Clinton can't blame his lawyers for this latest feint. He alone can assert the privilege. The maneuver places him at the heart of his administration's ongoing effort to use executive privilege as a way of concealing the truth about whether the president exposed himself....
"Earlier in this administration, then-White House legal counsel Lloyd Cutler decreed that the White House never would assert privilege in the face of a criminal investigation. He merely was reiterating long-standing executive-branch policy along those lines. President Ronald Reagan didn't invoke privilege in Iran-contra, and neither did President George Bush.