Jon Swift: Fred Thompson kicks Gandhi's ass... The Impolitic: Arizona US Attorney fired for failed porn case? Overlooked amidst all the controver
March 17, 2007

Jon Swift: Fred Thompson kicks Gandhi's ass...

The Impolitic: Arizona US Attorney fired for failed porn case? Overlooked amidst all the controversy, former US attorney in Los Angeles Debra Wong Yang, who says she departed the US Attorney job of her own volition, and who until recently headed the office in charge of the investigation of former House appropriations committee chairman Jerry Lewis (R-Ca), reportedly got a $1.5 million offer to join the firm representing Lewis.

NPR Check: It's good that NPR reported on the death of a key witness/survivor of the 1981 El Mozote massacre in El Salvador. It's disgraceful that they ignored the most significant reasons why the story remains timely and relevant

The Kingsland Report: The Fed spent $76 billion last week to prop up markets...

Bob Geiger: The best of the week's editorial cartoons...
Programming Reminder: Watch Talkleft's Jeralyn discussing Gonzogate on CNN's Reliable Sources today

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