It's Knuttz: Great images of G-Dub in Brazil showing the orchestrated view...and the real street.
Lawyers, Guns and Money: Treason-in-Defense-of-Slavery Heritage Month
Red State Son: Khalid Sheikh Mohammed confesses to more shocking crimes...
Norbizness: The Left must be stopped...I've gone too far
Opinions You Should Have: Bush pardons Fitgerald!
HOLY CRAP: Looks like Kentucky won't be turning out a lot of scientists...All they want is control of your bodies, your behavior, your thoughts...Muslims and ex-Muslims standing up to radical Islamic violence...OMG! Gospel mimes?...Texas diverted $5 million from sucessful family planning programs to antiabortion crisis pregnancy centers and medical misinformation...Atlantic City Baptist minister succumbs to temptations of the flesh...Students from Jerry Falwell’s Liberty "University" get scuffed up when attempting to match wits with Richard Dawkins...The General writes to Dr.Albert Mohler, president of the Southern Baptist theological Seminary, who obviously didn't get the memo about this...The Family Research Council has hired former Ohio secretary of state, Ken Blackwell