March 9, 2007

hc-beckel.jpg Let me start off by saying that I think a diversity of opinions and ideas is a good thing that no true democracy can function without. Sean Hannity, however, proves on a nightly basis that he is nothing, repeat nothing, other than a mouthpiece for the Bush White House who recites verbatim the most lowly of Republican talking points. I don't know if he truly believes the venom he spews, but does it really matter? Last night Sean lectured Bob Beckel, employing the tired cliché "Democrats undermine President Bush and embolden our enemies."

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It's funny how "Democrats" are "emboldening our enemies" when, according to the NIE (.pdf), George Bush's war has "become the “cause celebre” for jihadists...cultivating supporters for the global jihadist movement."

It would appear to me (and any other sane, rational person) that it's the quagmire this administration has gotten us into that's aiding our enemies by driving up their recruitment, depleting our resources, diverting our attention and stretching our armed forces to the breaking point; not the Democrats or 70% of Americans who see reality and "undermine" the President.

The fact is that George Bush's policies have done nothing but create more enemies and more terrorism. If there's any metric with which to measure our success in this Global War on Terror -- or how "emboldened" our enemies have become -- that would be it.

For the record, reason # 846 can be found here. For a person who claims to embody American values, Sean Hannity has a strange way of showing it.

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