Grover Norquist famously said he wanted to shrink government to the point he could drown it in a bathtub. Therefore, in honor of this pillar of the Party of Coulter, I dub the latest salvo on the part of the Republican party to deflect accountability and rationalize corruption and ineptitude "The Norquist Defense."
Have you been following the VA Hospital mess? Read this. The Republicans privatized care at Walter Reed (corruptly throwing a contract to the SAME PEOPLE - Republican campaign contributors - who screwed up ice delivery after Katrina). They gutted the professional staff and cut everything so the money would flow to a few rich fucks instead of to caring for the troops.
But what are they telling the public? That it's an example of the problem with GOVERNMENT! After firing all the professional staff and outsourcing everything they're telling people that government can't fire people so they don't care about the troops.
Republicans: Gut the government, pocket the funds, then BLAME the government when things stop working.
Phillip Mattera at TomPaine digs deeper and finds a far more damning picture, not about the government, but about the executives running it.