I was shocked, just shocked I tell you to hear McCain say these words on Letterman last night.
"Americans are very frustrated, and they have every right to be," McCain said. "We've wasted a lot of our most precious treasure, which is American lives."
Say what? Didn't that same remark turn the robowingnuts into Regan from the Exorcist? I join with Duncan:
In February, Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama described the lives of troops in Iraq as having been "wasted" but then apologized a day later for making what he called "a slip of the tongue" that he said was not meant to diminish their sacrifice.
Michelle? Are McCain's "nutroots" showing?
I know conservatives are really upset because McCain chose Letterman instead of the icky CPAC convention and all---will Malkin now denounce McCain's words against our troops and ask for an apology?
UPDATE: SilentPatriot: Obama responds to McCain's remarks. He tried to score some cheap political points by twisting the Senators words and smeared him, right? Nope. Only pathetic wing nuts do that.
Asked Thursday whether McCain should apologize, Obama responded, "We have a duty, a sacred duty, to make sure we are honoring their sacrifice by giving them missions in which they can succeed. I'm positive that was the intent in which he meant it."
Obama added, "It was the same intent that I had when I made my statement, John McCain and I may have disagreements. The one area that I don't think he can be questioned is his dedication to American troops. He's been there. He's done that."