February 22, 2007


Nancy Pelosi is continuing her counterattack against Dick Cheney's statements that Democrats support 'the Al Qaeda strategy.' (John noted the attack and her opening salvo yesterday.) But the real reason I'm writing about this now is the unintended hilarity of this headline:

Cheney slams Iraq plan advocated by Dems

Could any human being possibility have less credibility for commenting on an Iraq plan than Dick Cheney? He, who suggested we would be 'greeted with flowers'? He, who said that the Brits leaving Basra was a sign of improvement even as Blair admitted things there are 'not as we would wish them to be'? He, whose every plan from Day One has been an ignominious failure?

Which led to to speculate about other headlines we might have seen through history - headlines about spectacularly unsuccessful human beings who presume to comment in the area of their proven inexpertise. I've only come up with a few, like:

  • Inventor of strap-on flying wings says "that Wright Brothers contraption ain't gonna fly"
  • Goats are lousy lovers, says Catherine the Great
  • Former US Attorney General (and composer of "Let The Eagle Soar") John Ashcroft* slams new R&B tune as "insufficiently funky"

Commenters are invited to submit their own headlines. Rules: Entries must be as absurd as the notion that Cheney can discuss the Iraq situation with any credibility. And, of course, stay within the bounds of decency.


(*thanks to commenters for correcting me on who did "Let the Eagle Soar." I got mixed up on famous Republican singer-songwriters of the 21st century. My bad. Ashcroft may not partake of the funk, but Orrin - he can dance just as good as he walks, to quote Archie Bell & the Drells ...)

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