Is O'Reilly's obsession with NBC distracting him from covering real stories like, say, the war in Iraq or the saber rattling with Iran?
The answer is of course yes. But if it wasn't NBC, it would be something else of minimal importance.
Steve Adubato hits the nail on the head when he says this is O'Reilly's cowardly way of going after Olbermann without having to say his name. Nice to see you using your influential platform to cover the important stuff, Bill. He really hasn't come that far since his days at Inside Edition.
It's true that The Factor is the highest rated cable news show, but look at his (a) ancient audience and (b) obsessive and trashy coverage of everything. Even the National Enquirer has a circulation of 2.76 million and a tabloid story like the passing of Anna Nicole has been a goldmine for both of them (as well as the entire FOX primetime lineup).