It's still early, so I take all these polls with a grain of salt, but the findings are nonetheless noteworthy. Most interesting IMO is that voters are equally as likely to support a homosexual as they are to support a 72 year old. Maybe somewhere Ted Haggard is contemplating a run (even though he's "cured" now). (h/t HuffPo)
From E&P:
A new Gallup survey confirms that Americans claim they will be willing to vote for a woman (read: Hillary Clinton) or a black (read: Barack Obama) for president next year. But they still raise questions about voting for a well-qualified Mormon (Mitt Romney) or 72-year-old (John McCain) or someone who has been divorced twice (Rudy Giuliani).
Surprisingly, nearly as many say they would vote for a homosexual (55%) as say they would vote for a 72-year-old (57%).
Most censored: atheists.
Asked if they'd be willing to vote for a "generally well-qualified" candidate with the followign characterisitics, here's how the tally went in the Feb. 9- 11 poll.
Black 94%
Jewish 92%
A woman 88%
Hispanic 87%
Mormon 72%
Married for third time 67%
72 years of age 57%
A homosexual 55%
An atheist 45%
Conservatives express more misgivings about candidates from all of the above categories -- except the age question, where they are more disapproving of voting for someone 72 or over.