Yahoo News: (h/t E)
Switzerland on Wednesday followed Italy and Germany in raising the threat of criminal prosecution of CIA operatives involved in anti-terrorism operations in Europe.
The Swiss Cabinet authorized the start of criminal proceedings against those responsible for the abduction in Italy of an Egyptian Muslim preacher allegedly taken on CIA flights through Swiss airspace.
Switzerland, which has cooperated closely in U.S. investigations and attempts to shut down terrorists' funding networks, has generally avoided open disputes with the U.S. government. But the wording of the seven-member Cabinet's statement was sharp.
"In the view of the Federal Council, the use of Swiss airspace for an abduction cannot be tolerated," the statement said. "There is evidence that basic norms of international law were violated."
It breaks my heart that they're talking about our country that way. In other news to be ashamed of, NPR discusses the inclusion of the US in UNICEF's list of Worst Countries for Kids. Truly, I think decades from now, historians are going to ask what was wrong with all of us for allowing this country to fall so spectacularly on a global level.