CorrenteWire: Our Betters built an obscene world. Obscenity is not only a proper, but a necessary response to that world. CREW: Citizens for Responsib
February 8, 2007

CorrenteWire: Our Betters built an obscene world. Obscenity is not only a proper, but a necessary response to that world.

CREW: Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington released a new report on the most corrupt officials in the Bush administration entitled "Criminals and Scoundrels: The 25 Most Corrupt Bush Administration Officials." For the first time, the report chronicles the criminal activities and misconduct of high level officials in the current administration.

The National Interest: Michael Scheuer, former head of the CIA’s Bin Laden unit, analyzes the conclusions of the National Intelligence Estimate. "If this is the best they could do to make this palatable to the administration—for the publicly released form—the classified form must be just an indictment, if you will, of failure."

Amygdala: Speaking of intelligence, this inspector general's report is a devastating condemnation of inappropriate activities in the DOD policy office that helped take this nation to war

Environmental Defense: Global Warming myths and facts.  If you're like me, you have at least one friend or family member who still doubts global warming.

No Quarter: U.S. Attorneys and a CIA honcho, on the way down

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