It must be tough for the right to defend its national security policies, but the frequent references to the TV show 24 are getting a little silly.
In his January 30 syndicated column, Cal Thomas attacked “ideologically decrepit” Iraq war protesters and claimed: “Unlike Vietnam, the Islamofascists won’t leave us alone if we leave Iraq before stability is established.” Discussing the possible consequences of exiting Iraq, Thomas referenced Fox Broadcasting’s TV series 24: “Watch the TV drama ‘24′ for what could be our prophetic and imminent future with a nuclear device exploding in major cities. Having concluded we don’t have the stomach to fight them on their turf, they might understandably deduce we are even less willing to fight them on ours.”
It's not just Cal Thomas. John Gibson, Glenn Beck, Laura Ingraham, and others have been using 24 the exact same way.
Note to the right: it's just a show, it's fiction, and it's not on your side.