We periodically get requests to feature certain artists on the CLLN Music Club. C&Ler MrEMan asked me a long time ago if I would ever put up a Rus
January 17, 2007

We periodically get requests to feature certain artists on the CLLN Music Club. C&Ler MrEMan asked me a long time ago if I would ever put up a Rush video, and for some reason I never got around to it. So this morning, I asked MrEMan to pick a Rush song for us to use.

MrEMan: I have seen Rush in concert nine times now and have been a fan since the late 70's. As a young guitarist, Alex Lifeson was a huge inspiration to me. The combination of intricacy, stellar lyrics and the ability to pull it all off live had me hooked immediately. Their live shows are true spectacles, and even with all the special effects they employ in their shows the music and the vibe are always there.

Despite little commercial success or airplay, Rush continues to sell out arenas and stadiums worldwide and still sell millions of albums. All the gravatars I've used while posting at C&L are Rush album covers... :)

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